
Screaming Females- Castle Talk

Screaming Females- Castle Talk

Lets start with the Screaming Females release from the end of Last year. Castle talk is a step in the right direction for this band, and an apt follow up to Power Move, their previous LP. New Brunswick, New Jersey is not the first town I think of when I think of vibrant DIY scenes, but it seems they continue to hold it down as an underrepresented scene, mostly anchored by Screaming Females. Riot-grrl inspired band, The females have played recently with Yo La Tango and are friends with Ted Leo. After making two appearances on Jimmy Fallon within a month, it's safe to say that they will only go up from here. This is a punk record for people who hate punk rock. I strongly recommend it to anyone. The song, "New Kid" is a breakthrough for me.

Link after the jump... 


  1. New Bruns holds it down, use to see these guys and gal play basement shows. Always awesome!

  2. FYI: New Brunswick is certainly not underrepresented in these parts. The DIY scene in New Brunswick has been massively vibrant for years, and the Screaming Females are just one band out of many. If you are going by critical acclaim and Jimmy Fallon appearances alone, then sure, the Screamales totally anchor the scene - and remember, the Vivian Girls started off playing in NB basements as well. Don't get me wrong, I love the Screaming Females and they deserve all the attention they get. But New Brunswick has shows every single week with tons and tons of really great bands that probably will never get a spot on Jimmy Fallon and that's perfectly fine. New Brunswick is anchored by these bands that regularly play locally, at the shore, in NY, and all over the country and the world. Seasick, Biblethumper, Fleshtemple, Dystrophy, Kicking Spit, Killin It, Hunchback, Full of Fancy, the ERGS! LIKE COME ON, THE ERGS! New Brunswick deserves more credit.

