
Pink Reason- Shit in the Garden

Pink Reason- Shit in the Garden LP

I have been trying to get a lead on this album for a while, but it didn’t really show up on the internet until it showed up in stores. Oh well, this is more of the same in a good way for Kevin Failure. Not reinventing the wheel of Pink Reason in any way, but definitely improving with every release he throws out. At times his tones border on a more psychedelic sound, with less grit, but it works. If you liked his other records, I think you will really like this record. (Warning: maybe I am just stupid, but I can’t figure out how to properly format this album. When you unrip it, you might have to find it in your unknown album folder and enter the artist and album name manually, my bad. It's just as frustrating for me.)

Link after the jump...


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