Matthew Dear- Black City LP
Now, it should be noted that I am in what some would call an “Exploration Phase” in electronic music. I can’t quite decide if I can get into it fully, but I must say I’ve been surprised by some of the good, dark electronic music that I have found. That being said, Matthew Dear has been bouncing around the electronic music scene for years now. I have heard his name, mostly when he opened for Hot Chip a few years ago. Touring with Hot Chip is a good way to make me never download a bands record. When Black City came out late last year though, I had to give in. Thank fucking god I did. This record is breathtaking. According to Wikipedia, it’s a concept album based on a bustling, metropolis of the future. Quote from Matthew follows. “Well, there’s a kind of timelessness to it in the sense that I don’t want things to run on a 24-hour clock. It seems like a city that’s always awake, maybe always dialled in electronically, and cannot be turned off. It’s this imaginary weird never-sleeping town. But yeah it’s full of lust, and love, and dark shadows. Weird things around the corner…” I have to completely agree. Just when I think I get this record, I am taken aback by a new concept on it. A beat that I never fully noticed, lyrics that I never quite understood, a synth tone I’ve never heard before. I am confident that everyone who likes music will like this record. Please guys, download it.

Link after the jump...
2010- Ghostly International