
Metallica- Ride the Lightning (3/4 speed)

Metallica- Ride the Lightning (¾ speed)

I think that I have made clear at this point the fact that I literally cannot trust people who do not love the first three Metallica albums. I mean this in such a real life sense. These albums are some of the best heavy metal music ever made, period. This is a rip of the already perfect album, “Ride the Lightning”. Vocals aside, because vocals slowed down sound a tad odd, the music on this album might actually better at the slower tempo. This sounds like Metallica, just with more evil and a southern rock feel. Take RTL, and give it drugs. What a great fucking idea.  Play it loud. Also, this file is really big, so beware when downloading it.

Link after the jump...

Original release, 1984 Megaforce Records

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