
Baddat For Trubbel- Baddat for Trubbel

Baddat for Trubbel- Baddat for Trubbel

I definitely have a problem with geographically categorizing my music. I fervently follow fashions from certain regions while completely disregarding whole musical scenes based on location alone. That being said, Sweden makes some of the absolute best punk rock, garage rock, and hardcore. They have for decades now, and the scene is diverse, porous, and constantly evolving. Baddat for Trubbel is so fucking good. Baddat takes a step away from punk and more towards Swedish pub rock. Done correctly, although it sounds impossible. It keeps an edge while remaining remarkably palatable.

Ever since I heard that first Masshysteri LP, I'm stuck on the Swedish vocals. It sounds so natural, so smooth, and unbelievably cool. Baddat is riding the same hype machine that Iceage is, albeit to quite a smaller degree. They have an LP out on Punks Only titled, "Det Här Är Inte New York" (This is not New York). Their eye-catching seven inch, just came out earlier this year and turns the fuzz on in comparison to their rough and tumble full length.

Anyways, I can't find the whole LP, so I have uploaded 11 of the 15 tracks for the LP. It's frustrating, I know... but this record just isn't showing up online. I uploaded the seven inch to make up for it.. Enjoy.

Baddat For Trubbel- Det Har Ar Inte New York (only 2/3 of the album)
Punks Only, 2011 2010

Link after the jump...

Baddat For Trubbel- ISO 9004 7 inch
Ken Rock, 2011


  1. Yo, the LP came out in 2010! Set us up an australian tour! Cheers /Ola-bft

  2. Fixed! I don't live in Australia though, I live in Seattle...

  3. Ahh, my bad. We're trying to get to US next summer. Cheers /Ola
