
Joy Division- Les Bains Douches 18 December 1979

Joy Division- Les Bains Douches 18 December 1979

Once a rarity, a full set recorded in Paris months before Ian Curtis' tragic collapse. Not much else to say. 

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The Omegas- Blasts of Lunacy LP

The Omegas- Blast of Lunacy LP

Best hardcore record so far in 2011. Traditional hardcore that seamlessly transfuses the cream of the crop of hardcore styles. Breakneck riffs lead out into slow chugs a la Regulations "Police Sirens", while molding unnoticeably to brooding parts that could facilely be mistaken for NYHC. For me, Omegas quickly joined a club of contemporary North American bands who correctly and effortlessly have channeled the best of 1980's hardcore (Double Negative, Government Warning, Police and Thieves).

Blasts of Lunacy really the name of the game. Working in waves of starts and stops, the slow and heavy parts are the radical equilibrium to the swift, punch in the face fury that follows. Parts Unknown records delivers with this record.

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Drunkdriver- Drunkdriver LP

Drunkdriver- Drunkdriver LP

I've been hesitant to share this album because of some strife that occurred regarding this bands breakup.  I do however think it was handled properly, and if you want to know more about it, you are on the internet, so do your own research.

A friend in Chicago told me that this band, Drunkdriver was playing at a loft near my house. I asked him what it sounded like and he just told me, "It's music your girlfriend would hate." Something along the lines of pure anger. From the slower opening chugs in the menacing and properly named first song "The Accident", the the chunky, hate-anthem that is "Quality of my life" this record literally sounds like frustration. With abrasion around every corner and in every valley, it is easy to say this record is not for anybody.  It's at times a two note hardcore band, twisting in circles like a convoluted adolescent. The drums drive this band to a point of pure anarchy and slob, then seconds later bring the songs right back into reality.

All this being said, I rarely meet people who DON'T like this band. They were and still are a breath of fresh air in hardcore, noise and punk. They were groundbreaking and prophetic. I can't even begin to mention the intensity, commitment, and lust of their live show, which people who saw should feel literally lucky to have been graced with seeing. They are palatable, and I'll bet your girlfriend will actually like it. Featuring members of Wives and Pygmy Shrews, this defunct Brooklyn band might have just broken up at the perfect time, albeit under unfortunate circumstances. Download this album, now.

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Kitchen's Floor- Loneliness is a Dirty Mattress

Again, I'm painted such a bleak disturbed picture of Brisbane. While there are other Australian bands that currently have the swagger and drug vibe down to perfection, Kitchen's Floor hold down the teenage kids drinking in the day and fucking with tourists. Just when you think that this record is all apathy, it breaks with some heartfelt and almost Vaselines influenced parts. The song "Back Home", could easily be on a K Records comp from the mid-nineties.

I love the recordings, lo-fi for the hell of it. Dirty, messy and all over the place. I am reluctant to use the word, but at times this record even has a "jangly feel". This three-piece knows exactly what they are doing, playing good music poorly and making it sound perfect. I think that there is much much more to this record than meets the eye. It's deliberate.

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Baddat For Trubbel- Baddat for Trubbel

Baddat for Trubbel- Baddat for Trubbel

I definitely have a problem with geographically categorizing my music. I fervently follow fashions from certain regions while completely disregarding whole musical scenes based on location alone. That being said, Sweden makes some of the absolute best punk rock, garage rock, and hardcore. They have for decades now, and the scene is diverse, porous, and constantly evolving. Baddat for Trubbel is so fucking good. Baddat takes a step away from punk and more towards Swedish pub rock. Done correctly, although it sounds impossible. It keeps an edge while remaining remarkably palatable.

Ever since I heard that first Masshysteri LP, I'm stuck on the Swedish vocals. It sounds so natural, so smooth, and unbelievably cool. Baddat is riding the same hype machine that Iceage is, albeit to quite a smaller degree. They have an LP out on Punks Only titled, "Det Här Är Inte New York" (This is not New York). Their eye-catching seven inch, just came out earlier this year and turns the fuzz on in comparison to their rough and tumble full length.

Anyways, I can't find the whole LP, so I have uploaded 11 of the 15 tracks for the LP. It's frustrating, I know... but this record just isn't showing up online. I uploaded the seven inch to make up for it.. Enjoy.

Baddat For Trubbel- Det Har Ar Inte New York (only 2/3 of the album)
Punks Only, 2011 2010

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