
Masshysteri- Masshysteri

Masshysteri- Masshysteri LP

This now defunct Swedish Punk band has a roster that reads like a who's who of the last ten years in the Umea punk scene. Featuring members of (International) Noise Conspiracy, Regulations, Vicious, Lost Patrol Band, and Insurgent Kid, Masshysteri immediately has quite a reputation to uphold. This eponymous second album meets and exceeds any standards that could be set for a band with this high of a bar set. Robert Pettersson's Swedish-sung vocals sound natural, crisp, and comforting. This album has a darker, slightly more palatable sound than their first album, "Ver Del Av Stan". It seems that they really figured out their formula to complete the seemingly impossible task of writing original sounding punk songs that are easy on the ears while not being tacky.

Masshysteri really popularized the newest wave of bands singing in their native Swedish, and it seems everyone else has followed. I read an interview at one point with Pettersson where he said something along the lines that he was sick of having to use an internet translator to write his lyrics, and if people didn't hearing vocals in Swedish, fuck 'em. It sounds perfect, and I think that this album is close to perfect.

Link after the jump...

Masshysteri- Masshysteri LP
Ny Vag, Feral Ward- 2009


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