
Simla Beat 70/71

Simla Beat 70/71

Well here we go for obscurity in garage rock. Simla, an Indian cigarette company, sponsored this battle of the bands competition in 1970 and 1971. It was called the "All-India Simla Beat Contest," and the winners were given a chance to head to Calcutta to cut a track or two onto a 45. It seems as though the early Indian fuzz scene was put in a time capsule like so many other isolated music scenes of the late sixties and early seventies (See: compilations about the Uraguayan Invasion for another great scene). Check out this interesting liner insert/advertisement from one of the Simla 45's.

Once you get into the music though, is when India really shines. Simla reeks of the dirt and fuzziness of physical India. This record is has more blues and southern rock influence than some of the bands playing at the same time. I love how these bands mix traditional Indian music and style with their more western idols sound. A perfect example of this to me is the band Innerlite on this compilation. Their first song uses confidingly Indian melody and strumming, with garage rock drums and beat structure. You are also treated on this record to not one but two absolutely stunning Creedance Clearwater Revival covers. The gravelly growl on the X'Lents cover of "Born on the Bayou" provoked a bit of a chuckle at first from me, but after a few listens I absolutely love it. This record is full of blues damaged, acid taking, schizophrenic rock and roll. Lots of covers, most of which are about four or five years prior to 1970, but what a perfect example of the slowed down globalization of music prior to the internet. Twenty-two stacked tracks of third-world grade, American influenced, delta deranged Garage rock. A must for anyone. India needs more Rock and Roll!

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